My Course Project Challenge

The specifically human capacity for language enables children to provide for auxiliary tools in the solution of difficult tasks, to overcome impulsive action, to plan a solution to a problem prior to its execution, and to master their own behavior. ~ Lev Vygotsky, Mind in Society


The challenge I have chosen to explore is Children with Varying Abilities, and within that challenge, I will focus specifically on the subtopic of developmental delays and impairments in speech and how they may affect social and emotional development.

I have selected this challenge because it is one I wish to learn more about.  As a teacher, I have worked with children who have difficulty communicating effectively due to delays in speech development. Although these children eventually do seem to “catch up” to their peers, there is often significant setbacks in social interaction and emotional well-being while their language skills are developing.

This course project will examine a possible link between impaired social/emotional development and the acquisition of language skills in early childhood.

Language delays occur in children from every demographic. I am wondering if I will discover any similarities or differences in how language delays are perceived in relation to family structure and/or culture and beliefs?

This should be an interesting project!



10 thoughts on “My Course Project Challenge

  1. Dear Julia,
    As you look at family structure, can also look at family communication among members? If children are not listened to and not given an environment that can nurture children in handling of their fears, then won’t children only harbor toxic stress which will manifest itself in such ways as language delays.
    Dan Podraza

  2. Great Challenge!!!
    As a Speech and Language Pathologist I agree with you that delays in speech can also cause delays in a child social and emotional growth. To be honest kids are mean! lol It makes it harder for a child with poor articulation, expressive and receptive language delay or even stuttering to introduce themselves and make new friends. In my years of experience it does decrease a child’s confidence when they cant effectively communicate with peers or adults. I think you will find language development in other cultures and environments to be a very interesting topic. I look forward to seeing how this develops!

  3. It sounds to me like you handled the situation perfectly…especially knowing that one child has high stress issues. Your blog is very beautiful by the way and I enjoyed reading all your posts. Great job

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